This page is is the official page of a research project IP-2022-10-3356 financed by the Croatian Science Foundation.
Project duration: 31. 12. 2023. – 30. 12. 2027
Total funding: 119.404,07 EUR
SELFOW (Selecting for the future of work: Validity and applicant reactions to digital selection procedures used to capture achievement motivation and actively open-minded thinking) project aims to develop and validate digital selection procedures (DSP) for assessing achievement motivation and actively open-minded thinking, essential traits for future workplaces. The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has transformed personnel selection, yet the scientific validation of these digital methods lags behind. This project focuses on computer-aided text analysis (CATA) and automated video interviews (AVI) to evaluate these psychological constructs. Building on previous research, the project intends to refine the Conditional Reasoning Test for Achievement Motivation (CRT-Ach) and develop a Situational Judgment Test for Actively Open-Minded Thinking (SJT-AOT). These tools will serve as the “ground truth” for training ML algorithms. The project will involve a series of studies on diverse participant samples, including students and professionals, to test the validity of these digital methods across languages and contexts. Additionally, it will explore applicant reactions and the potential of DSPs to enhance fairness and efficiency in personnel selection. By integrating AI and psychological assessment, the project seeks to bridge the gap between technological advancements and practical application in human resource management, ultimately contributing to more effective and equitable selection processes.

Zvonimir Galić
Zvonimir Galić is a full professor and head of the Department of Occupational Psychology and Ergonomics at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He completed postdoctoral training at Purdue University (Fulbright Postdoctoral Research Award) and the Australian National University (Endeavour Postdoctoral Fellowship). His research focuses on motivation and decision-making in organizational and consumer behavior.

Maja Parmač Kovačić
Maja Parmač Kovačić is an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. Her research interests include work psychology, particularly focusing on occupational health and ergonomics. She has been involved in various research projects related to psychological assessments in organizational settings

Mitja Ružojčić
Mitja Ružojčić is a researcher associated with the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He completed his PhD in 2019 and focuses on psychological assessments, particularly in the context of work behavior and implicit personality traits. His recent research includes the use of neural networks to detect faking in selection interviews.

Antun Palanović
Antun Pananović holds a PhD from the Department of Psychology, University of Zagreb. His research is centered on validating situational judgment tests for assessing core leadership competencies required for managerial roles. He collaborates on projects related to digital selection procedures in personnel assessments

Nikola Erceg
Nikola Erceg (PhD) works at the Department of psychology at the Faculty of humanities and social sciences in Zagreb, teaching courses related to workplace motivation and consumer & economic psychology. His research mainly focuses on individual differences in decision-making and their organizational outcomes.

James LeBreton
James M. LeBreton is a professor at the Department of Psychology, The Pennsylvania State University. His research interests include personality assessment and its implications for work behavior. He is known for his work on conditional reasoning tests and has collaborated on various international research projects, including those focusing on implicit personality traits.

Matej Gjurkovic
Matej Gjurković is a researcher at the Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. He specializes in natural language processing and machine learning, particularly in the context of psychological assessments and multimodal data analysis.

Markus Langer
Markus Langer is a researcher at Saarland University, Germany. His work focuses on digital selection procedures and the application of machine learning in psychological assessments. He collaborates on projects that investigate automated video interviews and their effectiveness in personnel selection.

Kaja Damnjanović
Kaja Damnjanović, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. She researches at the Laboratory for Experimental Psychology and the Institute of Philosophy. Her work focuses on medical decision-making, heuristics, cognitive biases, and vaccine hesitancy. Dr. Damnjanović joined the Vaccine Safety Initiative in 2020 to study vaccination decision-making factors.

Nataša Juničić
Nataša Juničić holds a PhD from Department of psychology at Faculty of humanities and social sciences in Zagreb. Her thesis involves the application of neural networks to detect faking in selection interviews using multimodal data. She provides methodological expertise in data analysis and design for interview studies in various research projects.
Invited lectures
- Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M. (2024). AI u regrutaciji i selekciji: revolucionarna promjena ili loša znanost. HR Weekend. Rovinj. 19. – 22. rujna 2024.
Conference presentations and posters
- Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M., Erceg, N.,Palanović, A. (2024). Implicit and explicit achievement and power motives as predictors of enterpreneural leadership outcomes. 24. Dani psihologije. Zadar. 23. – 25. svibnja 2024.
- Erceg, N., Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M. (2024). Conspirational ideation as a predictor of counterproductive work behavior. 24. Dani psihologije. Zadar. 23. – 25. svibnja 2024.
- Erceg, N., Vrhovnik, A., Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M. (2024). Old school selection methods for the jobs of the future: Construction and validation of a construct based situational judgment test for the measurement of actively open-minded thinking. European Network of Selection Researchers conference. Bruxelles. 26. – 27. svibnja 2024.
- Galić, Z. (2024). Predstavljanje projekta „Selekcija za poslove budućnosti: Valjanost i reakcije kandidata na digitalne selekcijske metode za mjerenje motiva za postignućem i aktivnog otvorenog mišljenja“. Dan valorizacije znanja na Filozofskom fakultetu. 5. lipnja 2024. Zagreb.
- Ružojčić, M. (2024). Predstavljanje projekta „Selekcija za poslove budućnosti: Valjanost i reakcije kandidata na digitalne selekcijske metode za mjerenje motiva za postignućem i aktivnog otvorenog mišljenja“. Godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa. Opatija. 6.-9. studenog 2024.
- Palanović, A., Ružojčić, M., Galić, Z. (2024). Skok u nesvjesno – razvoj skraćene verzije Testa uvjetovanog rezoniranja za mjerenje motiva za postignućem. Godišnja konferencija hrvatskih psihologa. Opatija. 6.-9. studenog 2024.